Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A taste of local culture

Boy, do I feel Australian these last couple of days.

After a fairly uninteresting and uninspiring couple of weeks spent mostly working and saving money (you'll notice I haven't written much lately on the blog), I turned up to weekly Tuesday job at the Wine and Food Society of New South Wales. The society is a bit like a secret society in that you'd never know it existed unless you were a member or, as the case may be, a waiter who serves its members. It's definitely been one of my most interesting jobs so far. The club has been around since 1939, meeting every Tuesday for a celebration of food and drink in a heritage house just next to Sydney's Harbour Bridge. Membership is only open to men so it's a bit of an "old boys' club" and I mean that literally as the average age of the members must be 60.

Perhaps the best part of the job is that I, as a waiter, get to sample a bit of the wine and eat the same meal as the members once I'm done serving. This is a huge bonus on a backpacker's budget. So far the food has been very tasty but mostly predictable (roasts, stews and the like). Well, yesterday I was in for a surprise as the day's featured entree was none other than kangaroo. At first I thought the chefs were pulling my leg when I asked what the meat was. Oh, how gullible they think we travellers are! But, in fact, they were quite serious about the matter.

So how did it taste? A lot like beef, to tell the truth. So much so that if they had told me it was roast beef I would have believed them. Still, it was an experience and I felt slightly squeamish the first couple of bites. Is it wrong that I've now eaten kangaroo but have not yet seen one in Australia? The ironies of life.

I have more to say on Anzac Day (a public holiday held today) but have run out of time. I'll save that for tomorrow's entry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A lot like beef you say. Are you sure it wasn't chicken. Just joking
Well yes it is kind of weird to have eaten kangaroo but not seen one. Oh well, life is unpredictable
as they say.